/* uwudev - scrunklificator
* Copyright (C) 2022 ArcNyxx <me@arcnyxx.net>
* see LICENCE file for licensing information */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define STRLIT(str) { str, sizeof(str) - 1 }
#define LENGTH(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))
typedef struct choice {
const int next, prob;
const char ch;
} choice_t;
typedef struct ngram {
const choice_t *choice;
const int prob;
} ngram_t;
typedef struct str {
const char *str;
const int len;
} str_t;
typedef enum opcode {
} opcode_t;
typedef struct oper {
union {
struct {
const ngram_t *ngram;
int prev;
const char *str;
char ch;
opcode_t op;
int len;
} oper_t;
static int runops(oper_t *op, char *buf);
static int genops(oper_t *op, int *last);
static const choice_t catnoise0[] = { { 0, 2, 'a' }, { 1, 3, 'm' } };
static const choice_t catnoise1[] = { { 7, 3, 'r' }, { 6, 4, 'e' } };
static const choice_t catnoise2[] = { { 8, 1, 'y' } };
static const choice_t catnoise3[] = { { 9, 1, 'w' } };
static const choice_t catnoise4[] = { { 9, 1, 'w' } };
static const choice_t catnoise5[] = { { 21, 6, 'm' }, { 22, 7, 'n' },
{ 23, 8, 'p' } };
static const choice_t catnoise6[] = { { 4, 3, 'o' }, { 5, 5, 'w' } };
static const choice_t catnoise7[] = { { 16, 15, 'o' }, { 12, 24, 'a' },
{ 18, 28, 'r' }, { 19, 29, 'w' }, { 13, 30, 'e' } };
static const choice_t catnoise8[] = { { 26, 1, 'a' } };
static const choice_t catnoise9[] = { { 21, 22, 'm' }, { 24, 32, 'r' },
{ 22, 36, 'n' }, { 25, 37, 'w' }, { 23, 38, 'p' } };
static const choice_t catnoise10[] = { { 11, 1, 'u' } };
static const choice_t catnoise11[] = { { 20, 1, 'r' } };
static const choice_t catnoise12[] = { { 3, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t catnoise13[] = { { 4, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t catnoise14[] = { { 7, 1, 'r' }, { 6, 2, 'e' } };
static const choice_t catnoise15[] = { { 8, 1, 'y' } };
static const choice_t catnoise16[] = { { 9, 1, 'w' } };
static const choice_t catnoise17[] = { { 10, 1, 'p' } };
static const choice_t catnoise18[] = { { 18, 7, 'r' }, { 14, 10, 'm' },
{ 16, 13, 'o' }, { 17, 14, 'p' } };
static const choice_t catnoise19[] = { { 21, 1, 'm' } };
static const choice_t catnoise20[] = { { 18, 1, 'r' } };
static const choice_t catnoise21[] = { { 7, 17, 'r' }, { 6, 30, 'e' } };
static const choice_t catnoise22[] = { { 8, 1, 'y' } };
static const choice_t catnoise23[] = { { 11, 1, 'u' } };
static const choice_t catnoise24[] = { { 14, 7, 'm' }, { 15, 10, 'n' } };
static const choice_t catnoise25[] = { { 25, 3, 'w' }, { 21, 4, 'm' } };
static const choice_t catnoise26[] = { { 0, 4, 'a' }, { 2, 5, 'n' },
{ 1, 6, 'm' } };
static const ngram_t catnoise[] = {
{ catnoise0, 3 }, /* aa */ { catnoise1, 4 }, /* am */
{ catnoise2, 1 }, /* an */ { catnoise3, 1 }, /* ao */
{ catnoise4, 1 }, /* eo */ { catnoise5, 8 }, /* ew */
{ catnoise6, 5 }, /* me */ { catnoise7, 30 }, /* mr */
{ catnoise8, 1 }, /* ny */ { catnoise9, 38 }, /* ow */
{ catnoise10, 1 }, /* pp */ { catnoise11, 1 }, /* pu */
{ catnoise12, 1 }, /* ra */ { catnoise13, 1 }, /* re */
{ catnoise14, 2 }, /* rm */ { catnoise15, 1 }, /* rn */
{ catnoise16, 1 }, /* ro */ { catnoise17, 1 }, /* rp */
{ catnoise18, 14 }, /* rr */ { catnoise19, 1 }, /* rw */
{ catnoise20, 1 }, /* ur */ { catnoise21, 30 }, /* wm */
{ catnoise22, 1 }, /* wn */ { catnoise23, 1 }, /* wp */
{ catnoise24, 10 }, /* wr */ { catnoise25, 4 }, /* ww */
{ catnoise26, 6 } /* ya */
static const choice_t keysmash0[] = { { 1, 4, 'a' }, { 10, 5, 'k' },
{ 3, 6, 'd' }, { 11, 7, 'l' }, { 7, 8, 'h' } };
static const choice_t keysmash1[] = { { 7, 7, 'h' }, { 9, 13, 'j' },
{ 5, 18, 'f' }, { 11, 21, 'l' }, { 16, 24, 'u' }, { 6, 26, 'g' },
{ 3, 28, 'd' }, { 0, 29, ';' }, { 14, 30, 'r' } };
static const choice_t keysmash2[] = { { 10, 1, 'k' }, { 1, 2, 'a' },
{ 7, 3, 'h' } };
static const choice_t keysmash3[] = { { 5, 7, 'f' }, { 7, 12, 'h' },
{ 15, 13, 's' }, { 6, 14, 'g' }, { 10, 15, 'k' }, { 9, 16, 'j' },
{ 2, 17, 'b' } };
static const choice_t keysmash4[] = { { 6, 1, 'g' } };
static const choice_t keysmash5[] = { { 6, 12, 'g' }, { 10, 16, 'k' },
{ 9, 19, 'j' }, { 11, 21, 'l' }, { 7, 23, 'h' }, { 3, 25, 'd' },
{ 1, 26, 'a' } };
static const choice_t keysmash6[] = { { 1, 8, 'a' }, { 7, 14, 'h' },
{ 0, 18, ';' }, { 9, 22, 'j' }, { 11, 25, 'l' }, { 2, 27, 'b' },
{ 5, 29, 'f' }, { 3, 30, 'd' }, { 15, 31, 's' }, { 10, 32, 'k' },
{ 16, 33, 'u' }, { 12, 34, 'n' } };
static const choice_t keysmash7[] = { { 6, 7, 'g' }, { 9, 11, 'j' },
{ 5, 14, 'f' }, { 10, 17, 'k' }, { 1, 20, 'a' }, { 3, 23, 'd' },
{ 8, 25, 'i' }, { 14, 27, 'r' }, { 0, 28, ';' }, { 12, 29, 'n' },
{ 7, 30, 'h' }, { 16, 31, 'u' } };
static const choice_t keysmash8[] = { { 16, 1, 'u' } };
static const choice_t keysmash9[] = { { 7, 5, 'h' }, { 3, 9, 'd'} ,
{ 10, 12, 'k' }, { 5, 15, 'f' }, { 1, 17, 'a' }, { 14, 18, 'r' },
{ 4, 19, 'e' }, { 13, 20, 'o' }, { 11, 21, 'l' }, { 6, 22, 'g' } };
static const choice_t keysmash10[] = { { 1, 6, 'a' }, { 5, 10, 'f' },
{ 6, 13, 'g' }, { 9, 16, 'j' }, { 15, 17, 's' }, { 3, 18, 'd' },
{ 11, 19, 'l' }, { 7, 20, 'h' } };
static const choice_t keysmash11[] = { { 10, 4, 'k' }, { 0, 6, ';' },
{ 15, 7, 's' }, { 6, 8, 'g' }, { 5, 9, 'f' }, { 3, 10, 'd' },
{ 1, 11, 'a' } };
static const choice_t keysmash12[] = { { 6, 1, 'g' }, { 7, 2, 'h' } };
static const choice_t keysmash13[] = { { 6, 1, 'g' } };
static const choice_t keysmash14[] = { { 6, 4, 'g' }, { 1, 6, 'a' },
{ 7, 7, 'h' } };
static const choice_t keysmash15[] = { { 3, 1, 'd' }, { 10, 2, 'k' } };
static const choice_t keysmash16[] = { { 14, 3, 'r' }, { 1, 4, 'a' },
{ 5, 5, 'f' }, { 9, 6, 'j' }, { 4, 7, 'e' } };
static const ngram_t keysmash[] = {
{ keysmash0, 8 }, /* ; */ { keysmash1, 30 }, /* a */
{ keysmash2, 3 }, /* b */ { keysmash3, 17 }, /* d */
{ keysmash4, 1 }, /* e */ { keysmash5, 26 }, /* f */
{ keysmash6, 34 }, /* g */ { keysmash7, 31 }, /* h */
{ keysmash8, 1 }, /* i */ { keysmash9, 22 }, /* j */
{ keysmash10, 20 }, /* k */ { keysmash11, 11 }, /* l */
{ keysmash12, 2 }, /* n */ { keysmash13, 1 }, /* o */
{ keysmash14, 7 }, /* r */ { keysmash15, 2 }, /* s */
{ keysmash16, 7 } /* u */
static const choice_t scrunk0[] = { { 34, 500, 'n' }, { 37, 867, 'w' },
{ 31, 1067, 'd' } };
static const choice_t scrunk1[] = { { 43, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk2[] = { { 46, 60, 'u' }, { 45, 107, 'r' },
{ 44, 147, 'a' } };
static const choice_t scrunk3[] = { { 51, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk4[] = { { 61, 1, 'l' } };
static const choice_t scrunk5[] = { { 64, 1, 'a' } };
static const choice_t scrunk6[] = { { 77, 200, 't' }, { 70, 300, 'c' },
{ 68, 325, ',' }, { 67, 349, '!' }, { 69, 364, '.' } };
static const choice_t scrunk7[] = { { 81, 2, 'i' }, { 79, 3, 'd' } };
static const choice_t scrunk8[] = { { 88, 4, 'i' }, { 89, 5, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk9[] = { { 95, 1, 'i' }, { 94, 2, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk10[] = { { 107, 50, 'o' }, { 98, 81, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk11[] = { { 135, 535, 'c' }, { 140, 835, 'p' },
{ 139, 1100, 'o' }, { 138, 1200, 'm' }, { 136, 1271, 'h' } };
static const choice_t scrunk12[] = { { 149, 262, 'h' }, { 152, 362, 'o' },
{ 150, 453, 'i' }, { 147, 478, 'a' } };
static const choice_t scrunk13[] = { { 165, 11, 'h' }, { 166, 19, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk14[] = { { 173, 1, 'a' } };
static const choice_t scrunk15[] = { { 12, 190, 't' }, { 0, 326, 'a' },
{ 11, 454, 's' }, { 8, 572, 'l' }, { 2, 646, 'c' },
{ 14, 684, 'y' }, { 5, 722, 'h' }, { 13, 757, 'w' },
{ 1, 790, 'b' }, { 10, 821, 'n' }, { 6, 849, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk16[] = { { 15, 31, ' ' }, { 16, 60, '!' } };
static const choice_t scrunk17[] = { { 17, 777, ',' }, { 26, 965, 't' },
{ 18, 1098, 'a' }, { 25, 1227, 's' }, { 23, 1322, 'l' },
{ 20, 1387, 'c' }, { 24, 1425, 'n' }, { 28, 1462, 'y' },
{ 22, 1498, 'i' }, { 19, 1531, 'b' }, { 21, 1560, 'h' },
{ 27, 1585, 'w' } };
static const choice_t scrunk18[] = { { 37, 1, 'w' } };
static const choice_t scrunk19[] = { { 43, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk20[] = { { 45, 1, 'r' } };
static const choice_t scrunk21[] = { { 64, 1, 'a' } };
static const choice_t scrunk22[] = { { 67, 7, '!' }, { 68, 13, ',' },
{ 69, 18, '.' } };
static const choice_t scrunk23[] = { { 89, 59, 'o' }, { 88, 95, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk24[] = { { 98, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk25[] = { { 135, 65, 'c' }, { 139, 100, 'o' },
{ 136, 129, 'h' } };
static const choice_t scrunk26[] = { { 149, 38, 'h' }, { 150, 47, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk27[] = { { 165, 1, 'h' } };
static const choice_t scrunk28[] = { { 173, 1, 'a' } };
static const choice_t scrunk29[] = { { 12, 222, 't' }, { 11, 365, 's' },
{ 0, 496, 'a' }, { 8, 583, 'l' }, { 2, 644, 'c' },
{ 13, 684, 'w' }, { 6, 720, 'i' }, { 1, 754, 'b' },
{ 5, 787, 'h' }, { 10, 818, 'n' }, { 14, 843, 'y' } };
static const choice_t scrunk30[] = { { 29, 638, ' ' }, { 30, 1271, '.' } };
static const choice_t scrunk31[] = { { 51, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk32[] = { { 87, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk33[] = { { 97, 1, 't' } };
static const choice_t scrunk34[] = { { 103, 5, 'd' }, { 98, 6, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk35[] = { { 122, 1, ' ' }, { 123, 2, 'p' } };
static const choice_t scrunk36[] = { { 143, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk37[] = { { 168, 300, 'w' }, { 161, 400, ' ' },
{ 162, 443, '!' }, { 164, 473, '.' }, { 163, 500, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk38[] = { { 170, 17, '!' }, { 172, 34, '.' },
{ 171, 50, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk39[] = { { 16, 29, '!' }, { 15, 33, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk40[] = { { 17, 1, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk41[] = { { 30, 7, '.' }, { 29, 9, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk42[] = { { 89, 2, 'o' }, { 87, 3, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk43[] = { { 113, 1, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk44[] = { { 34, 1, 'n' }, { 33, 2, 'm' },
{ 36, 3, 't' } };
static const choice_t scrunk45[] = { { 131, 5, 'u' }, { 128, 9, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk46[] = { { 159, 1, 't' } };
static const choice_t scrunk47[] = { { 2, 2, 'c' }, { 3, 3, 'd' },
{ 6, 4, 'i' }, { 11, 5, 's' } };
static const choice_t scrunk48[] = { { 41, 36, '.' }, { 39, 69, '!' },
{ 40, 100, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk49[] = { { 50, 1, 'l' } };
static const choice_t scrunk50[] = { { 87, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk51[] = { { 118, 2, 'r' }, { 117, 4, 'o' },
{ 120, 5, 'u' } };
static const choice_t scrunk52[] = { { 12, 6, 't' }, { 11, 10, 's' },
{ 8, 13, 'l' }, { 2, 16, 'c' }, { 0, 18, 'a' },
{ 13, 20, 'w' }, { 1, 22, 'b' }, { 7, 24, 'k' },
{ 9, 25, 'm' } };
static const choice_t scrunk53[] = { { 16, 157, '!' }, { 15, 208, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk54[] = { { 17, 1, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk55[] = { { 30, 80, '.' }, { 29, 101, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk56[] = { { 92, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk57[] = { { 108, 400, 'p' }, { 98, 500, ' ' },
{ 101, 536, '.' }, { 99, 569, '!' }, { 100, 600, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk58[] = { { 121, 1, 'w' } };
static const choice_t scrunk59[] = { { 141, 1, 't' } };
static const choice_t scrunk60[] = { { 0, 1, 'a' } };
static const choice_t scrunk61[] = { { 90, 1, 'u' } };
static const choice_t scrunk62[] = { { 53, 74, '!' }, { 54, 139, ',' },
{ 55, 200, '.' } };
static const choice_t scrunk63[] = { { 87, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk64[] = { { 35, 1, 'p' } };
static const choice_t scrunk65[] = { { 52, 1200, ' ' }, { 57, 1400, 'n' },
{ 56, 1500, 'm' }, { 53, 1537, '!' }, { 54, 1569, ',' },
{ 55, 1600, '.' } };
static const choice_t scrunk66[] = { { 130, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk67[] = { { 16, 25, '!' }, { 15, 38, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk68[] = { { 17, 1, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk69[] = { { 30, 17, '.' }, { 29, 25, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk70[] = { { 44, 1, 'a' } };
static const choice_t scrunk71[] = { { 49, 1, 'd' } };
static const choice_t scrunk72[] = { { 57, 400, 'n' }, { 55, 443, '.' },
{ 54, 479, ',' }, { 53, 500, '!' } };
static const choice_t scrunk73[] = { { 80, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk74[] = { { 93, 1, 'b' }, { 97, 2, 't' } };
static const choice_t scrunk75[] = { { 106, 6, 'k' }, { 105, 7, 'g' } };
static const choice_t scrunk76[] = { { 127, 1, 'y' } };
static const choice_t scrunk77[] = { { 154, 300, 't' }, { 143, 600, ' ' },
{ 146, 706, '.' }, { 155, 806, 'y' }, { 145, 905, ',' },
{ 144, 1000, '!' } };
static const choice_t scrunk78[] = { { 160, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk79[] = { { 48, 1, 'b' } };
static const choice_t scrunk80[] = { { 52, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk81[] = { { 77, 3, 't' }, { 74, 4, 'm' } };
static const choice_t scrunk82[] = { { 91, 6, 'y' }, { 87, 7, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk83[] = { { 112, 39, '.' }, { 110, 72, '!' },
{ 111, 100, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk84[] = { { 158, 1, 's' } };
static const choice_t scrunk85[] = { { 169, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk86[] = { { 11, 1, 's' } };
static const choice_t scrunk87[] = { { 52, 550, ' ' }, { 53, 569, '!' },
{ 55, 586, '.' }, { 54, 600, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk88[] = { { 77, 3, 't' }, { 73, 4, 'k' },
{ 78, 5, 'v' }, { 74, 6, 'm' } };
static const choice_t scrunk89[] = { { 117, 100, 'o' }, { 109, 150, ' ' },
{ 110, 169, '!' }, { 111, 187, ',' }, { 112, 200, '.' } };
static const choice_t scrunk90[] = { { 157, 1, 'n' } };
static const choice_t scrunk91[] = { { 169, 300, ' ' }, { 170, 373, '!' },
{ 172, 439, '.' }, { 171, 500, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk92[] = { { 12, 1, 't' } };
static const choice_t scrunk93[] = { { 42, 1, 'l' } };
static const choice_t scrunk94[] = { { 58, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk95[] = { { 76, 1, 'p' } };
static const choice_t scrunk96[] = { { 115, 1, 'l' } };
static const choice_t scrunk97[] = { { 151, 100, 'l' }, { 155, 200, 'y' },
{ 146, 238, '.' }, { 145, 273, ',' }, { 144, 300, '!' } };
static const choice_t scrunk98[] = { { 12, 2, 't' }, { 4, 3, 'f' } };
static const choice_t scrunk99[] = { { 16, 26, '!' }, { 15, 33, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk100[] = { { 17, 1, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk101[] = { { 30, 25, '.' }, { 29, 36, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk102[] = { { 32, 1, 'l' } };
static const choice_t scrunk103[] = { { 47, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk104[] = { { 60, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk105[] = { { 62, 1, 'e' }, { 63, 2, 'l' } };
static const choice_t scrunk106[] = { { 82, 7, 'l' }, { 85, 9, 'y' },
{ 84, 10, 'u' }, { 83, 11, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk107[] = { { 121, 1, 'w' } };
static const choice_t scrunk108[] = { { 125, 1, 's' } };
static const choice_t scrunk109[] = { { 0, 1, 'a' }, { 6, 2, 'i' },
{ 8, 3, 'l' }, { 1, 4, 'b' }, { 9, 5, 'm' } };
static const choice_t scrunk110[] = { { 16, 105, '!' }, { 15, 136, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk111[] = { { 17, 1, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk112[] = { { 30, 104, '.' }, { 29, 141, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk113[] = { { 75, 1, 'n' } };
static const choice_t scrunk114[] = { { 81, 1, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk115[] = { { 86, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk116[] = { { 106, 1, 'k' } };
static const choice_t scrunk117[] = { { 119, 300, 't' }, { 114, 500, 'k' },
{ 117, 600, 'o' }, { 109, 700, ' ' }, { 112, 776, '.' },
{ 110, 841, '!' }, { 111, 900, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk118[] = { { 129, 1, 'n' } };
static const choice_t scrunk119[] = { { 153, 1, 's' } };
static const choice_t scrunk120[] = { { 156, 1, 'b' } };
static const choice_t scrunk121[] = { { 161, 2, ' ' }, { 167, 3, 'm' } };
static const choice_t scrunk122[] = { { 10, 1, 'n' } };
static const choice_t scrunk123[] = { { 127, 1, 'y' } };
static const choice_t scrunk124[] = { { 130, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk125[] = { { 142, 1, 'y' } };
static const choice_t scrunk126[] = { { 157, 1, 'n' } };
static const choice_t scrunk127[] = { { 169, 100, ' ' }, { 170, 141, '!' },
{ 171, 177, ',' }, { 172, 200, '.' } };
static const choice_t scrunk128[] = { { 75, 1, 'n' }, { 74, 2, 'm' } };
static const choice_t scrunk129[] = { { 102, 1, 'a' } };
static const choice_t scrunk130[] = { { 116, 1, 'n' }, { 113, 2, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk131[] = { { 157, 1, 'n' } };
static const choice_t scrunk132[] = { { 16, 8, '!' }, { 15, 11, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk133[] = { { 17, 1, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk134[] = { { 30, 13, '.' }, { 29, 17, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk135[] = { { 45, 1, 'r' } };
static const choice_t scrunk136[] = { { 66, 1, 'r' } };
static const choice_t scrunk137[] = { { 77, 2, 't' }, { 72, 3, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk138[] = { { 96, 1, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk139[] = { { 109, 2, ' ' }, { 117, 3, 'o' } };
static const choice_t scrunk140[] = { { 126, 2, 'u' }, { 124, 3, 'r' } };
static const choice_t scrunk141[] = { { 143, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk142[] = { { 169, 300, ' ' }, { 172, 341, '.' },
{ 171, 376, ',' }, { 170, 400, '!' } };
static const choice_t scrunk143[] = { { 12, 2, 't' }, { 0, 4, 'a' },
{ 2, 5, 'c' }, { 11, 6, 's' } };
static const choice_t scrunk144[] = { { 16, 85, '!' }, { 15, 122, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk145[] = { { 17, 1, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk146[] = { { 30, 101, '.' }, { 29, 144, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk147[] = { { 35, 1, 'p' } };
static const choice_t scrunk148[] = { { 59, 200, 's' }, { 53, 238, '!' },
{ 55, 271, '.' }, { 54, 300, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk149[] = { { 65, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk150[] = { { 72, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk151[] = { { 87, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk152[] = { { 117, 3, 'o' }, { 109, 4, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk153[] = { { 137, 1, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk154[] = { { 151, 1, 'l' } };
static const choice_t scrunk155[] = { { 169, 100, ' ' }, { 171, 138, ',' },
{ 170, 169, '!' }, { 172, 200, '.' } };
static const choice_t scrunk156[] = { { 42, 1, 'l' } };
static const choice_t scrunk157[] = { { 106, 4, 'k' }, { 105, 7, 'g' },
{ 104, 8, 'f' } };
static const choice_t scrunk158[] = { { 134, 34, '.' }, { 132, 67, '!' },
{ 133, 100, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk159[] = { { 148, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk160[] = { { 52, 1, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk161[] = { { 12, 2, 't' }, { 8, 3, 'l' },
{ 11, 4, 's' }, { 13, 5, 'w' }, { 6, 6, 'i' } };
static const choice_t scrunk162[] = { { 16, 24, '!' }, { 15, 43, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk163[] = { { 17, 1, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk164[] = { { 30, 4, '.' }, { 29, 5, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk165[] = { { 65, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk166[] = { { 71, 1, 'd' } };
static const choice_t scrunk167[] = { { 94, 1, 'e' } };
static const choice_t scrunk168[] = { { 161, 3, ' ' }, { 168, 5, 'w' } };
static const choice_t scrunk169[] = { { 12, 2, 't' }, { 11, 4, 's' },
{ 3, 6, 'd' }, { 0, 8, 'a' }, { 7, 9, 'k' },
{ 13, 10, 'w' } };
static const choice_t scrunk170[] = { { 16, 5, '!' }, { 15, 7, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk171[] = { { 17, 1, ',' } };
static const choice_t scrunk172[] = { { 30, 51, '.' }, { 29, 65, ' ' } };
static const choice_t scrunk173[] = { { 38, 1, 'y' } };
static const ngram_t scrunk[] = {
{ scrunk0, 1067 }, /* a */ { scrunk1, 1 }, /* b */
{ scrunk2, 147 }, /* c */ { scrunk3, 1 }, /* d */
{ scrunk4, 1 }, /* f */ { scrunk5, 1 }, /* h */
{ scrunk6, 364 }, /* i */ { scrunk7, 3 }, /* k */
{ scrunk8, 5 }, /* l */ { scrunk9, 2 }, /* m */
{ scrunk10, 81 }, /* n */ { scrunk11, 1271 }, /* s */
{ scrunk12, 478 }, /* t */ { scrunk13, 19 }, /* w */
{ scrunk14, 1 }, /* y */ { scrunk15, 849 }, /* ! */
{ scrunk16, 60 }, /* !! */ { scrunk17, 1585 }, /* ,, */
{ scrunk18, 1 }, /* ,a */ { scrunk19, 1 }, /* ,b */
{ scrunk20, 1 }, /* ,c */ { scrunk21, 1 }, /* ,h */
{ scrunk22, 18 }, /* ,i */ { scrunk23, 95 }, /* ,l */
{ scrunk24, 1 }, /* ,n */ { scrunk25, 129 }, /* ,s */
{ scrunk26, 47 }, /* ,t */ { scrunk27, 1 }, /* ,w */
{ scrunk28, 1 }, /* ,y */ { scrunk29, 843 }, /* . */
{ scrunk30, 1271 }, /* .. */ { scrunk31, 1 }, /* ad */
{ scrunk32, 1 }, /* al */ { scrunk33, 1 }, /* am */
{ scrunk34, 6 }, /* an */ { scrunk35, 2 }, /* ap */
{ scrunk36, 1 }, /* at */ { scrunk37, 500 }, /* aw */
{ scrunk38, 50 }, /* ay */ { scrunk39, 33 }, /* b! */
{ scrunk40, 1 }, /* b, */ { scrunk41, 9 }, /* b. */
{ scrunk42, 3 }, /* bl */ { scrunk43, 1 }, /* bo */
{ scrunk44, 3 }, /* ca */ { scrunk45, 9 }, /* cr */
{ scrunk46, 1 }, /* cu */ { scrunk47, 5 }, /* d */
{ scrunk48, 100 }, /* db */ { scrunk49, 1 }, /* dd */
{ scrunk50, 1 }, /* dl */ { scrunk51, 5 }, /* do */
{ scrunk52, 25 }, /* e */ { scrunk53, 208 }, /* e! */
{ scrunk54, 1 }, /* e, */ { scrunk55, 101 }, /* e. */
{ scrunk56, 1 }, /* em */ { scrunk57, 600 }, /* en */
{ scrunk58, 1 }, /* eo */ { scrunk59, 1 }, /* es */
{ scrunk60, 1 }, /* f */ { scrunk61, 1 }, /* fl */
{ scrunk62, 200 }, /* ge */ { scrunk63, 1 }, /* gl */
{ scrunk64, 1 }, /* ha */ { scrunk65, 1600 }, /* he */
{ scrunk66, 1 }, /* hr */ { scrunk67, 38 }, /* i! */
{ scrunk68, 1 }, /* i, */ { scrunk69, 25 }, /* i. */
{ scrunk70, 1 }, /* ic */ { scrunk71, 1 }, /* id */
{ scrunk72, 500 }, /* ie */ { scrunk73, 1 }, /* ik */
{ scrunk74, 2 }, /* im */ { scrunk75, 7 }, /* in */
{ scrunk76, 1 }, /* ip */ { scrunk77, 1000 }, /* it */
{ scrunk78, 1 }, /* iv */ { scrunk79, 1 }, /* kd */
{ scrunk80, 1 }, /* ke */ { scrunk81, 4 }, /* ki */
{ scrunk82, 7 }, /* kl */ { scrunk83, 100 }, /* ko */
{ scrunk84, 1 }, /* ku */ { scrunk85, 1 }, /* ky */
{ scrunk86, 1 }, /* l */ { scrunk87, 600 }, /* le */
{ scrunk88, 6 }, /* li */ { scrunk89, 200 }, /* lo */
{ scrunk90, 1 }, /* lu */ { scrunk91, 500 }, /* ly */
{ scrunk92, 1 }, /* m */ { scrunk93, 1 }, /* mb */
{ scrunk94, 1 }, /* me */ { scrunk95, 1 }, /* mi */
{ scrunk96, 1 }, /* mo */ { scrunk97, 300 }, /* mt */
{ scrunk98, 3 }, /* n */ { scrunk99, 33 }, /* n! */
{ scrunk100, 1 }, /* n, */ { scrunk101, 36 }, /* n. */
{ scrunk102, 1 }, /* na */ { scrunk103, 1 }, /* nd */
{ scrunk104, 1 }, /* nf */ { scrunk105, 2 }, /* ng */
{ scrunk106, 11 }, /* nk */ { scrunk107, 1 }, /* no */
{ scrunk108, 1 }, /* np */ { scrunk109, 5 }, /* o */
{ scrunk110, 136 }, /* o! */ { scrunk111, 1 }, /* o, */
{ scrunk112, 141 }, /* o. */ { scrunk113, 1 }, /* oi */
{ scrunk114, 1 }, /* ok */ { scrunk115, 1 }, /* ol */
{ scrunk116, 1 }, /* on */ { scrunk117, 900 }, /* oo */
{ scrunk118, 1 }, /* or */ { scrunk119, 1 }, /* ot */
{ scrunk120, 1 }, /* ou */ { scrunk121, 3 }, /* ow */
{ scrunk122, 1 }, /* p */ { scrunk123, 1 }, /* pp */
{ scrunk124, 1 }, /* pr */ { scrunk125, 1 }, /* ps */
{ scrunk126, 1 }, /* pu */ { scrunk127, 200 }, /* py */
{ scrunk128, 2 }, /* ri */ { scrunk129, 1 }, /* rn */
{ scrunk130, 2 }, /* ro */ { scrunk131, 1 }, /* ru */
{ scrunk132, 11 }, /* s! */ { scrunk133, 1 }, /* s, */
{ scrunk134, 17 }, /* s. */ { scrunk135, 1 }, /* sc */
{ scrunk136, 1 }, /* sh */ { scrunk137, 3 }, /* si */
{ scrunk138, 1 }, /* sm */ { scrunk139, 3 }, /* so */
{ scrunk140, 3 }, /* sp */ { scrunk141, 1 }, /* st */
{ scrunk142, 400 }, /* sy */ { scrunk143, 6 }, /* t */
{ scrunk144, 122 }, /* t! */ { scrunk145, 1 }, /* t, */
{ scrunk146, 144 }, /* t. */ { scrunk147, 1 }, /* ta */
{ scrunk148, 300 }, /* te */ { scrunk149, 1 }, /* th */
{ scrunk150, 1 }, /* ti */ { scrunk151, 1 }, /* tl */
{ scrunk152, 4 }, /* to */ { scrunk153, 1 }, /* ts */
{ scrunk154, 1 }, /* tt */ { scrunk155, 200 }, /* ty */
{ scrunk156, 1 }, /* ub */ { scrunk157, 8 }, /* un */
{ scrunk158, 100 }, /* us */ { scrunk159, 1 }, /* ut */
{ scrunk160, 1 }, /* ve */ { scrunk161, 6 }, /* w */
{ scrunk162, 43 }, /* w! */ { scrunk163, 1 }, /* w, */
{ scrunk164, 5 }, /* w. */ { scrunk165, 1 }, /* wh */
{ scrunk166, 1 }, /* wi */ { scrunk167, 1 }, /* wm */
{ scrunk168, 5 }, /* ww */ { scrunk169, 10 }, /* y */
{ scrunk170, 7 }, /* y! */ { scrunk171, 1 }, /* y, */
{ scrunk172, 65 }, /* y. */ { scrunk173, 1 } /* ya */
static const str_t strs[] = {
STRLIT("*tilts head*"), STRLIT("*twitches ears slightly*"),
STRLIT("*purrs*"), STRLIT("*falls asleep*"),
STRLIT("*sits on ur keyboard*"), STRLIT("*nuzzles*"),
STRLIT("*stares at u*"), STRLIT("*sneezes*"),
STRLIT("*plays with yarn*"), STRLIT("*eats all ur doritos*"),
STRLIT("*lies down on a surface*"), STRLIT("*claws the air*"),
STRLIT("*points towards case of monster zero ultra*")
static int
genops(oper_t *op, int *last)
int ran = random() % 9;
ran += ran >= *last, *last = ran;
switch (ran) {
case 0:
op[0] = (oper_t){ .str = "uwu", .len = 3, .op = OP_STR };
return 1;
case 1:
op[0] = (oper_t){ .str = "owo", .len = 3, .op = OP_STR };
return 1;
case 2:
op[0] = (oper_t){ .str = ":3", .len = 2, .op = OP_STR };
return 1;
case 3: ;
const str_t *str = &strs[random() % LENGTH(strs)];
op[0] = (oper_t){ .str = str->str,
.len = str->len, .op = OP_STR };
return 1;
case 4:
op[0] = (oper_t){ .str = "ny", .len = 2, .op = OP_STR };
op[1] = (oper_t){ .ch = 'a',
.len = random() % 7 + 1, .op = OP_REPEAT };
return 2;
case 5:
op[0] = (oper_t){ .str = ">", .len = 1, .op = OP_STR };
op[1] = (oper_t){ .ch = '/',
.len = random() % 4 + 3, .op = OP_REPEAT };
op[2] = (oper_t){ .str = "<", .len = 1, .op = OP_STR };
return 3;
case 6:
op[0] = (oper_t){ .ch = 'A',
.len = random() % 12 + 5, .op = OP_REPEAT };
return 1;
case 7:
op[0] = (oper_t){ .str = "mr", .len = 2, .op = OP_STR };
op[1] = (oper_t){ .ngram = catnoise, .prev = 7,
.len = random() % 125 + 25, .op = OP_NGRAM };
return 2;
case 8:
op[0] = (oper_t){ .ngram = keysmash,
.prev = random() % LENGTH(keysmash),
.len = random() % 125 + 25, .op = OP_NGRAM };
return 1;
case 9:
op[0] = (oper_t){ .str = "aw", .len = 2, .op = OP_STR };
op[1] = (oper_t){ .ngram = scrunk, .prev = 37,
.len = random() % 75 + 25, .op = OP_NGRAM };
return 2;
default: ;
return 0;
static int
runops(oper_t *op, char *buf)
switch (op->op) {
case OP_NGRAM:
for (int i = 0, j; i < op->len; ++i) {
int ran = random() % op->ngram[op->prev].prob;
for (j = 0; op->ngram[op->prev].choice[j].prob <= ran;
buf[i] = op->ngram[op->prev].choice[j].ch;
op->prev = op->ngram[op->prev].choice[j].next;
case OP_STR:
memcpy(buf, op->str, op->len);
memset(buf, op->ch, op->len);
default: ;
return op->len;
main(int argc, char **argv)
int len = 0; char *buf; oper_t op[3];
if (posix_memalign((void **)&buf, 65536, 65536 + 256) != 0)
return 1;
int total, last = random() % 10;
for (;;) {
total = genops(op, &last);
for (int i = 0; i < total; ++i) {
len += runops(&op[i], &buf[len]);
if (len >= 65536) {
write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, 65536);
memcpy(buf, &buf[65536], len - 65536);
len -= 65536;
buf[len++] = ' ';